More and more organisations in Lüneburg and on Campus are interested in offering multilingual events or intercultural exchange and want to welcome people from other countries. However, to be honest, we have not nailed it yet to remove the barriers that limit the access to volunteering and student initiatives in general. Here we present you some starting points for finding activities that are easy to board on to – even if you do not speak German (yet).

i:si : The international student initiative (= i:si) wants to connect German with Erasmus and international students. They offer events in English with a particular focus on facilitating intercultural exchange. Have a look at their Instagram account!

DSi Lüneburg : We are the umbrella organisation of student initiatives and facilitate networking activities among our members. We created a small digital booklet (= „Initiativenkompass“) which helps you to gain an overview of the student organisations which you can join.

Please do not hesitate to contact us ( if you experience difficulties in finding a group that fits what you are looking for. We also support you if you want to start your own initiative.

International Society (AStA Lüneburg) : Associated to the General Students‘ Committee you can join a group of (international) students which is particularly interested in improving the experiences which international students gain while studying in Lüneburg. They represent international students in the student parliament and stand up for fair and inclusive study programs. For further information you can visit their website.

mosaique : The house is located in the city center of Lüneburg (Katzenstraße 1, 21335 Lüneburg) and it is opened daily. The space in itself is multilingual and also events are offered in many different languages. The vision is to facilitate acceptance, intercultural exchange and trust among people with different backgrounds. Check out their program!